El Kaddush Hashem; A Prayer more than a Poem

El Kaddush Hashem; A Prayer more than a Poem

Akiva, Trad-yon, BenBava, Hanasi, Gadol, Shamua, ben Dama, Hakinae, Gamliel, Yesivav (the scribe).

Joyce Feinberg, Richard Gottfried, Rose Mallinger, Jerry Rabinowitz, Cecil Rosenthal, David Rosenthal, Bernice Simon, Sylvan Simon, Daniel Stein, Melvin Wax, Irving Younger. 

Burned, flayed, beheaded, slaughtered, for the sake of their faith, Judaism.

El Kaddush Hashem: they Died as Martyrs,
Taken from this plain of struggle and pain
While actively serving God:
This is the highest elevation of a life
Spent on earth. They will be forever
The most closely bound to God, 
Sheltered, cradled, held tight!
They are ours: the martyrs
who will be remembered 
by shattered hearts but unbroken spirits;
by all who come after us, forever:
the beautiful, blessed nashamas of

Feinberg, Gottfried, Mallinger, Rabinowitz, 
Rosenthal, Rosenthal, Simon, Simon, 
Stein, Wax, Younger. 

You are gone from us, yet you remain with us.
All who come after us will know you.
All will worship you eternally.
You diedEl Kaddush Hashem
Shalom, Al Mish Ka Voe, rest in peace. 


--Judith R. Robinson